About Me

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Philadelphia, PA, United States
"I'm a renegade, never been afraid to say what's on my mind at any given time of day"

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Recent "Ask Neo"

Just the most recent "Ask Neo" I made about a week or so ago...enjoy

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Miss Me???

Just wanted to give a quick heads up to let all those that actually give a damn about the blogs that I write that I will be back to blogging, sorry I just been busy and haven't really had the inspiration to blog recently so now I will be blogging, OD style actually. I won't be poppin off on Facebook too much like I was before so if you want to know what's on my mind or how I am feeling you may need to just come through and pay the blog a visit more often. Before my blogs were kind of limited because I only chose to speak or talk about things such as music and sports but I think now it's time to just range it all the way out with everything from funny things I see to random thoughts etc so stay tuned and buckle up...