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"I'm a renegade, never been afraid to say what's on my mind at any given time of day"

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

What Really Grinds My Gears - Part 3 (Special Edition)

Here is the next installment of my Grinds My Gears series and this one is going to be done a little different as I will be posting some of the good ones that I got from some of my friends on Facebook including my wife Lakiesha. So here are the special guest entries into the Grinds My Gears series...and if you have any that you would like to add please feel free to hit me on Facebook and let me know:

From Carli aka Dayz:
- "Smacking when you're eating.. Seriously close ya damn trap!! puttn dirty clothes ona clean pile n vise versa, leaving dishes n the sink! Uhhh do u want bugs n germs growing in your kitchen?! lookin cute when ya kids r a mess, wearing name band everything n your kids n cartoon shoes.. Really ..."

From Eddie aka King:
- "i have a bunch but i hate when people wear open toed shoes with jacked up feet..."

- "I also hate when somebody calls me from a different room to get them something in the same room as them...irks my damn nerves...or when people call me on the phone and have conversations with everybody but me..immediate disconnect"

From Anette aka Biscuits:
- "over or under with the toilet paper flap. Over I say, dang it!"

- "Ok, this KILLS ME: you know how when you open a jar of body butter or hair grease or something like that? I spread it off in layers so it stay smooth and neat on top. I hate when ppl just dig all in the jar, scoop out half the product in it and leave deep gouges in it. HATE it."

From Kiesha aka Mrs. Allen:
- "When I go places I park farther than everyone else and if I can in an area where no one else has parked. I absolutely hate when I come out of the store to find that someone has parked their raggedy car RIGHT next to mine. I always stare in disbelief. A million spots to choose from many of them closer and yet you park in the spot next to me. All I ask is that you skip a spot. Irks me to no end."

- "Oh and another one (you opened up some flood gates lol) I hate when I'm on line and the person behind me stands so close it looks like we're together. If you're gonna stand that close at least take me out afterwards, I aint no cheap thrill lol. I don't know why I'm the only person who likes personal space. I have every intention on farting one day, right on someone's stomach."

- "when someone leave toast crumbs in the butter"

From Edgar aka Slim:
- "..all both of them..." Or when people are like, "put that over there.." and just point in two different directions. Or when people call me and the first thing they ask is, "are you sleep?" Yeah. I'm answering the phone in my sleep. Or when people don't clean the knife in between the peanut butter spreading, and the jelly spreading. And when people put the peanut butter in the fridge. ?????? Bread crumbs in/on the butter...

Apparently toast crumbs in the butter is not a good look for many of us so please work on that people...lmao, catch yall on part 5....DUECES

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