So today is kind of like Christmas Eve for NY Knicks fans, it's the day/night before the start of free agency which begins at 12:01AM/EST on Thursday, July 1st...and yes as a Knicks fan I am very excited. We haven't had much to get amped about over the past few years, little bright spots here and there but nothing consistent, nothing to run out and brag to your friends about, who mysteriously are all Lakers, Cavs, and Celtics fans nowadays, so today marks hopefully the beginning of a few good years to come. Now I know everyone and their mother is clamoring for Lebron James to come to the Knicks and I do agree that would be a beautiful thing but even if we don't or can't land Lebron it's not a loss by any means. Sure he is the best player....wait excuse me, 2nd best player in the league (Kobe is #1 no matter how you feel about that) but that doesn't necessarily mean that we need him. Who knows how he will fit into the system, who knows if we can get the right pieces around him etc, so truthfully I am not holding out hope for King James so I shoot a little smaller in scope. Also I want to say to any and all on the fence Knicks fans, Knicks fan that have become fans of whoever else is winning over the year since we been kind of buns, etc stay where you are at, we don't need you. Don't try to align yourself with the Knicks once they have those Lebron jerseys for sale (if he takes the sales pitch), when they start winning and blowing people out, when NY is dominant again...I don't want to hear it, you didn't ride for them when they sucked so don't start screaming em out now. My true Knicks fans know who they are...Uncle Jeff, Uncle Chris, Charles, Kaseem, Jeff Foster, Tiffany Harrington, Droptop, Dow aka Pretty Ricky what they call him (even though he disowns them after every loss), & Kevin Martell...i'm sure there are a few others but I am not sure where they stand so WE SHALL SEE.
Let's start off by going through a few guys I wouldn't mind seeing in a Knicks uni next season...:
Lebron James - SUPERSTAR and the prize possession in this year's free agency crop, do I really need to explain this one....any team, any fan, would love to have Lebron no matter how much we may get on him about stuff, but I would love to see that killer instinct that a superstar must have, a bit more in Lebron. And before everyone gets hype about he and Wade joining forces I think that would be a dumb move on both their parts because they both need to have the ball most of the time on offense so who would defer?
Dwayne Wade - (see Lebron comments but ADD the killer instinct because he has it AT ALL TIMES)
Chris Bosh - very underrated player and because he played in Toronto a lot of people aren't up on the homie Bosh but he is a monster in almost every facet of the game for a big man. Can play about 3 spots on the floor, nice jumper, good defender, nice in the post, good passer, I mean the guy deserves every bit of any hype that he is getting. Would be a good fit with NY no matter who you paired with him because I think he is on the cusp of being a superstar in his own right...he is NOT just a role player or bit guy to stand next to Wade and James, so Chris why do it??? Stick to what you said and make your decision, don't wait on Lebron and D-Wade!!!
Joe Johnson - outstanding SG with great scoring ability and if you don't know this you haven't been watching enough of J.J. No he isn't Lebron or Wade but he is quite good and will be a perfect compliment, if those 2 are "Jordan" types then Johnson is a good look at the 2nd option or the coveted "Pippen" that every team is trying to pair their superstar with. Johnson also has said he does not need max if he comes to NY and he became a star playing under the D'Antoni system
Amare Stoudemire - another guy that flourished under D'Antoni and has continue to play great since Mike left Phoenix for NY. Amare is a beast, on the blocks, decent mid range jumper, pretty good defender, flashy at times and he knows the system, and paired with any combo of players he will be a force. He has the ability to outrun your best big man, and dominate smaller forwards when matched against him...he can also play center if needed
Ray Allen - Jesus Shuttleworths is still a deadly sharp shooter and as my man Alvin said he has one of the if not THE best jump shot in the game. Ray isn't Ray Allen of old but he is still more than capable of dropping 20 points on you at any given time and he spaces your defense out and in the D'Antoni system he would be a good fit in my opinion. Put Ray at the 2 and then you still have Gallinari who can shoot the lights out if left open and you pair them with any combo of James, Johnson, Amare, Wade, etc and you are looking at a pick your poison type scenario.
Paul Pierce - just opted out of his contract last night and Paul would be a legitimate piece but I have this weird feeling that he is going to end up playing in LA, and no not for the Lakers but for the Clippers....but don't be surprised if the Lakers made some kind of move for him, that would just ignite rioting in Boston like none ever seen before in US history. I don't see Pierce coming to NY though
Dirk Nowitzki - what can I say about Dirk other than, c'mon son, THAT'S DIRK!!! I know you have seen the Mavs play on a few occasions and if you have you know Dirk is deadly, about as deadly as they come and in the NY system Dirk would be damn near unstoppable especially when pieced with other shooters and big men thus making the possible pairing that much more substantial in NY.
Other notable Free Agents - Carlos Boozer, Rudy Gay, Tyrus Thomas, John Salmons, Travis Outlaw, Josh Howard, Roger Mason, J.J. Redick....(some dependent on whether or not they opt out, are restricted, etc)
Another thing to keep in mind when you guys are thinking about the Knicks is this, yes this year they have the money to get 2 max contracted free agents or maybe even 1 max guy *cough* Lebron *cough* and then 2 others for lower than max but still substantially good contracts a la Amare/Johnson or any combo of that effect...and then here is the kicker, once Eddy Curry's bum ass drops off the payroll next year they can offer yet another max deal for next year's crop of free agents. Fucked yall up with that one cause many people didn't even know or realize that even if they miss out on Lebron this year and maybe have to just get the homie Joe Johnson and Amare, Bosh, etc build around that and then next year with that next max contract holla at the boy Carmelo. Now I haven't always been the biggest Melo fan but in a Knicks uni he get's my vote cause his game is vicious. So listen Knicks fan we are in a good position no matter how you look at it, don't look at shit as a loss if Lebron or Wade go to Chicago, stay in Cleveland or Miami, or any other wacky combo like that, I think we have the best overall chance to make a good overhaul of our team within the next 2 seasons if done right, but no matter how the next few days, weeks, months, play out I think we are headed in the right direction...GO NY!!!!!