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"I'm a renegade, never been afraid to say what's on my mind at any given time of day"

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Free Agency Eve......LET'S GO KNICKS!!!!!!!

So today is kind of like Christmas Eve for NY Knicks fans, it's the day/night before the start of free agency which begins at 12:01AM/EST on Thursday, July 1st...and yes as a Knicks fan I am very excited. We haven't had much to get amped about over the past few years, little bright spots here and there but nothing consistent, nothing to run out and brag to your friends about, who mysteriously are all Lakers, Cavs, and Celtics fans nowadays, so today marks hopefully the beginning of a few good years to come. Now I know everyone and their mother is clamoring for Lebron James to come to the Knicks and I do agree that would be a beautiful thing but even if we don't or can't land Lebron it's not a loss by any means. Sure he is the best player....wait excuse me, 2nd best player in the league (Kobe is #1 no matter how you feel about that) but that doesn't necessarily mean that we need him. Who knows how he will fit into the system, who knows if we can get the right pieces around him etc, so truthfully I am not holding out hope for King James so I shoot a little smaller in scope. Also I want to say to any and all on the fence Knicks fans, Knicks fan that have become fans of whoever else is winning over the year since we been kind of buns, etc stay where you are at, we don't need you. Don't try to align yourself with the Knicks once they have those Lebron jerseys for sale (if he takes the sales pitch), when they start winning and blowing people out, when NY is dominant again...I don't want to hear it, you didn't ride for them when they sucked so don't start screaming em out now. My true Knicks fans know who they are...Uncle Jeff, Uncle Chris, Charles, Kaseem, Jeff Foster, Tiffany Harrington, Droptop, Dow aka Pretty Ricky what they call him (even though he disowns them after every loss), & Kevin Martell...i'm sure there are a few others but I am not sure where they stand so WE SHALL SEE.
Let's start off by going through a few guys I wouldn't mind seeing in a Knicks uni next season...:

Lebron James - SUPERSTAR and the prize possession in this year's free agency crop, do I really need to explain this one....any team, any fan, would love to have Lebron no matter how much we may get on him about stuff, but I would love to see that killer instinct that a superstar must have, a bit more in Lebron. And before everyone gets hype about he and Wade joining forces I think that would be a dumb move on both their parts because they both need to have the ball most of the time on offense so who would defer?

Dwayne Wade - (see Lebron comments but ADD the killer instinct because he has it AT ALL TIMES)
Chris Bosh - very underrated player and because he played in Toronto a lot of people aren't up on the homie Bosh but he is a monster in almost every facet of the game for a big man. Can play about 3 spots on the floor, nice jumper, good defender, nice in the post, good passer, I mean the guy deserves every bit of any hype that he is getting. Would be a good fit with NY no matter who you paired with him because I think he is on the cusp of being a superstar in his own right...he is NOT just a role player or bit guy to stand next to Wade and James, so Chris why do it??? Stick to what you said and make your decision, don't wait on Lebron and D-Wade!!!
Joe Johnson - outstanding SG with great scoring ability and if you don't know this you haven't been watching enough of J.J. No he isn't Lebron or Wade but he is quite good and will be a perfect compliment, if those 2 are "Jordan" types then Johnson is a good look at the 2nd option or the coveted "Pippen" that every team is trying to pair their superstar with. Johnson also has said he does not need max if he comes to NY and he became a star playing under the D'Antoni system
Amare Stoudemire - another guy that flourished under D'Antoni and has continue to play great since Mike left Phoenix for NY. Amare is a beast, on the blocks, decent mid range jumper, pretty good defender, flashy at times and he knows the system, and paired with any combo of players he will be a force. He has the ability to outrun your best big man, and dominate smaller forwards when matched against him...he can also play center if needed
Ray Allen - Jesus Shuttleworths is still a deadly sharp shooter and as my man Alvin said he has one of the if not THE best jump shot in the game. Ray isn't Ray Allen of old but he is still more than capable of dropping 20 points on you at any given time and he spaces your defense out and in the D'Antoni system he would be a good fit in my opinion. Put Ray at the 2 and then you still have Gallinari who can shoot the lights out if left open and you pair them with any combo of James, Johnson, Amare, Wade, etc and you are looking at a pick your poison type scenario.
Paul Pierce - just opted out of his contract last night and Paul would be a legitimate piece but I have this weird feeling that he is going to end up playing in LA, and no not for the Lakers but for the Clippers....but don't be surprised if the Lakers made some kind of move for him, that would just ignite rioting in Boston like none ever seen before in US history. I don't see Pierce coming to NY though
Dirk Nowitzki - what can I say about Dirk other than, c'mon son, THAT'S DIRK!!! I know you have seen the Mavs play on a few occasions and if you have you know Dirk is deadly, about as deadly as they come and in the NY system Dirk would be damn near unstoppable especially when pieced with other shooters and big men thus making the possible pairing that much more substantial in NY.

Other notable Free Agents - Carlos Boozer, Rudy Gay, Tyrus Thomas, John Salmons, Travis Outlaw, Josh Howard, Roger Mason, J.J. Redick....(some dependent on whether or not they opt out, are restricted, etc)

Another thing to keep in mind when you guys are thinking about the Knicks is this, yes this year they have the money to get 2 max contracted free agents or maybe even 1 max guy *cough* Lebron *cough* and then 2 others for lower than max but still substantially good contracts a la Amare/Johnson or any combo of that effect...and then here is the kicker, once Eddy Curry's bum ass drops off the payroll next year they can offer yet another max deal for next year's crop of free agents. Fucked yall up with that one cause many people didn't even know or realize that part...so even if they miss out on Lebron this year and maybe have to just get the homie Joe Johnson and Amare, Bosh, etc build around that and then next year with that next max contract holla at the boy Carmelo. Now I haven't always been the biggest Melo fan but in a Knicks uni he get's my vote cause his game is vicious. So listen Knicks fan we are in a good position no matter how you look at it, don't look at shit as a loss if Lebron or Wade go to Chicago, stay in Cleveland or Miami, or any other wacky combo like that, I think we have the best overall chance to make a good overhaul of our team within the next 2 seasons if done right, but no matter how the next few days, weeks, months, play out I think we are headed in the right direction...GO NY!!!!!

40 Days Of Budden (#4)

#4 - Hello Expectations
"it makes sense i'm being framed....I'm a work of art"

Alright we are at the top 4 and this one is a newer song by Joe but it made it into this slot for one reason...IT'S ME!!! The next 4 songs on the list beginning with this one mean more to me than any of the others simply because they are honest representations of my varying moods, emotions, feelings etc. A lot of times we hear a song or some form of music and instantly relate to it, it immediately resonates within us and get deep down to our soul to the point of giving you goosebumps and chills because you feel like the artist actually knows you and is actually speaking for you and as I stated previously I think that's what many of us admire about Joe, it's his ability to connect with us...sure he can't reach everyone but who can, that's not nor never should be the goal. When I do my blogs, YouTube vids, etc it's to attract those interested not those who don't care to know me or what I am about. "Hello Expectations" gives me an escape if you will, it allows me to think about my life and the expectations I have set for myself and the ones that others have set for me, and how I continually exceed them because I always push to do just that.

"my audience is die hard so if my fans spazzing you might see the 1st drive by from a bandwagon"

"I try to see shit in all shades so i'm prepped when they finally show their true colors"

"word from the wise, when you lie, make sure the trail is gone and don't expect a happy ending unless you in the nail salon"

And this last one (he always gives a line in a song that just sticks with me) just was really that one line that was just so epic I have to keep repeating it when I listen to that piece of the song itself

"if you got an assessment of what I represent, it's more than likely negligent if we were never friends"

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

40 Days Of Budden (#5)

#5 - Dumb Out
"some acquire these skills I was BORN WITH EM"

Alright loyal subjects we are now entering that top 5 of the "40 Days Of Budden" series and it's been a good ride but let's go on ahead and bring it on home with these next 5 personal favorites of mine. "Dumb Out" is a classic in any and all Budden circles because well....IT WAS SIMPLY BANANAS!!! There is no denying Joe on this one, no matter how much you hate him, how little you know about him, if you are a hip hop head then you have to really respect this song. The bars he spit were absolutely incredible to me and it's one of those songs that I consistently play no matter what the mood is that I am in because it's just raw ass hip hop.....PAY ATTENTION!!!!!

"i'm somewhere between the real and the fakeness, the red pill, blue pill, real or the Matrix"

"i'm downloading like...NIGGAS ACTUALLY PLAY THIS, maybe i'm buggin out maybe i'm on a spaceship"

"these dudes might as well be Jamie Foxx, trying to sound like somebody that already died"

"i'm the nicest dude out since Reasonable Doubt"

"now who said they fucking with me, they just said that fucking with me....they didnt mean it, NAW!!!"

Monday, June 28, 2010

40 Days Of Budden (#6)

#6 - Good Enough
"make me uncomfortable and you gonna put me in a comfort zone"

Alright yall we are getting closer to that number 1 spot and now we are getting into my FAVORITES, and this one is hands down just great to me because I can't express to you how I feel like this about 75% of the time. I used to post quotes from this song on Twitter all the time when this song 1st came out because I wanted people to not only relate to real shit but to see that Joe was a rare breed of MC that should be highlighted more than he is. Again these types of songs are the main reasons why I respect Joe so much because he can spit those lyrics that honestly really touch people, he digs deep into his honest emotions and puts himself out there to be ridiculed or in my case and the case of many of his true fans loved/admired. I am sure we have all had feelings such as these but how often do you get an MC speaking on them, instead they want to make those bullshit dance songs and use metaphors that mean absolute shit to the masses of us with actual intelligence. I can go on for days about how dope this song is but just listen for yourselves and tell me that you have never felt some of these emotions, that you have never felt like you just weren't good enough...stop being blinded and recognize the truth.

"insensitive, don't waste time trying to tell me what emotions is, i'm emotionless"

"speak up and violence gets mentioned"

"even I don't know what to expect from me, but yall have yet to see the best of me"

That last one means the most to me because that's how I feel, like I can't ever totally predict my own actions but I also know that I haven't even begun to show my best.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

40 Days Of Budden (#7)

#7 - Russian Roulette Freestyle
"I'm outspoken, out casted, when the odds were outrageous a nigga outlasted"

Okay I had to go with another freestyle and many may argue and say that this one shouldn't be this high but you gotta understand the reason why I put this one here, it was simply due to the fact that I loved this song originally by Ri-Ri and then if you are a Budden fan like myself you know that he was going through a lot of stuff around this time with breakups, new chicks, the Wu shit, so it has a stronger meaning and the words speak with more venom in my opinion. Like the part about his ex (who I won't mention cause I don't give away free shine) was just bananas to me, as were all the other lyrics because unlike a majority of these bullshit rappers Joe actually speaks about real shit. Joe does nothing but spit good lyrics so I don't get why these lames out here really think they can see him on the mic cause at the end of the day in hip hop that's what matters....IMO

"out of every battle I ain't lost yet, they say i'm misunderstood I say my points just ain't come across yet"

"she can do what she want as long as she don't do it near me"

"since we no longer you and Cotto get the same advice need to fire everybody in your corner"

Saturday, June 26, 2010

40 Days Of Budden (#8)

#8 - No Comment
"motivated by the hate, inspired by the love"

AMAZING....that's the best way I can personally describe this track, simply amazing one of his best in my eyes. I remember the 1st listen and that beat came in I was like "this one is going to be a problem" then Joe came in with the "Uuuuuh Oooooooooh" I knew he was about to let loose and that he did. The chorus was on the money, the flow was sick, bars were insane....COME ON man how can yall not fuck with Joe after shit like this. You know what from here on out anybody NOT on board with Budden is straight asscheex to me son, i'm sorry but anytime I hear this I get amped and get on my fuck the world flow so deal with it...lol Yo why did my dude Joe call niggas "SCHMUCKS" that shit was just fucking hilarious to me son, I swear that's the ill insult to bitch made sensitive ass niggas...and I think that's why I rock so hard with this song cause it's like a motherfucker can't even have a fucking honest opinion nowadays without some femininity coming out in niggas, can't even spit without people reaching for disses towards someone else....SMH Thats why I respect Joe cause he always speaks his regardless of what the popular opinion is.

"so i'm supposed to put niggas on a pedestal for rapping bout a bunch of bullshit that they don't ever do, you sound stupid when you go there say i'm only hot online and you ain't heating up NOWHERE!!!"

"what up with you and so and so I heard you got dissed...I don't know about that but I know about this nigga...NO COMMENT, NO COMMENT, NO COMMENT, I ain't got a comment"

"things niggas say I don't mind it, say they lost respect for me, well who the fuck was asking you to find it"

"rappers saying my name like it's a bright tactic, Jackson 5 put your mic in a casket"

Friday, June 25, 2010

40 Days Of Budden (#9)

#9 - Three Sides To A Story
Making lyrics come to life is a trait every MC does not possess but Budden has the ability to do it as you can hear in this track. I personally love songs like this because it plays in my mind like a movie and I can actually visualize a video and the verses scene by scene in my head. I am not going to elaborate too much because for those that haven't heard this song before I really want you to listen to it so you can bear the same appreciation as I do for this track because it's sheer genius in my opinion...so please give this one a listen and see how the story begins and then ultimately climaxes.....REAL HIP HOP SHIT!!!!!

no quotes on this one cause Budden's words are much more potent when heard rather than read on this one

Thursday, June 24, 2010

40 Days Of Budden (#10)

#10 - Downfall
"let me tell you this bout Joe, I only say what I want you to hear, you only see what I want to show"

We are almost there yall, thank yall for riding with me on this for the last 30 days, and now its time for that Top 10 so here goes. This one is a great song and one of his relatively new ones which may or may not be on his next album (you never know with Joe lol). That line under the song/video clip is by far one of my personal favorites of any quote ever because it is how I feel sometimes because people have often questioned me about how much of my life I give to the public through my blogs, youtube channel, tweets, facebook posts etc, but I say it like Joe said I only give you what I WANT to give you. This song has some amazing depth to it and I swear when I 1st got my hands on this one I kept it on repeat for about a week and a half just because everything he was spitting about I related to, well majority at least. He really let loose on this one and spoke for many of us out here in the world going through the motions, and I mean if after listening to this song you are still not a fan you are either a sheer hater or you just need to go listen to some skinny jeans bullshit or something. He dropped some amazing lines in this one, peep:

"last thing i'm tryna be is the good guy now, I ain't never gave a fuck why should I now"

"yall ain't so important that my words are meant for you"

"God chose me to put a lot on my plate so he had to figure I wouldn't be bothered by the weight, i'm trying to change the pattern but it's on loop, even an outcast in my own group"

"i've outgrown hip hop it's turned into a daycare so next time some shit is on my mind it will STAY THERE"

"can't use anything I ever gave you to bury me, you were supposed to be the one to bury me"

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thank Me Later.......Okay I Will

Upon being asked my opinion by numerous friends of mine here is a quick review of what I thought about Drake's "Thank Me Later" debut album. Included is just some stuff I talked with my brother P about on Facebook and these are my thoughts on the album:

P Says: "I never saw your thoughts on that new Drake R&B i mean rap album..LMAO"

My Response: "I had some but then I just kind of forgot about it, wasn't too memorable...it wasn't bad but I haven't went back and listened to it again yet, but I have listened to Recovery about 8 times since last week. Drake sounds like he doesn't have an identity to me, decent musically but there is no true direction....but the album itself I will listen to ... See I am not saying I don't like it, it's just not something I'm gonna be shouting off about unlike Blueprint 3 or something like that. The kid is very talented but to me it sounds like in listening to a cleaner cut version of Lil Wayne with more intelligence and thought in the lyrics but delivery etc is all the same...it's like I'm listening to a singer that's rapping as opposed to a rapper that happens to sing, hope that makes sense"

P Says: "same thoughts i had..didnt live up to the hype at all"

My Response: "Yeah as I stated I'm not disgusted by it, he gave about what I expected, nothing WOW'd me, but it was decent if the hype machine wasn't so large i probably would feel slightly different but i been saying since my days on Twitter how it sounds like Wayne or Wayne sounds like him either way it's a curse to him and his career at least through me. It's... See More just a tough listen I don't really like the last word metaphor style EXAMPLE "it's going down....BASEMENT" I think it's cool sometimes but not for your whole shit and then your whole camp, and some sounds like "So Far Gone" leftovers, i don't know how to properly put it, good 1st attempt though. Some songs he sounds like Wayne, one or two sound like they could be Trey Songz tracks, I can clearly hear the song he wanted Sade for, so *Kanye Shrug*"

THE VERDICT: it was and is a decent album, more hits than misses but that depends on your musical tastes and if I was to recommend it to people it would solely be based on the person that I am dealing with because it won't be for everyone so some people I would say "yeah go cop it" and others I would simply say "download, see for yourself". It's not a bad 1st album out the gate though but again I haven't went back and listened to it a full 2nd time yet, that's not to say that I won't though. I just believe it is too influenced, I hear too much of Lil Wayne in there, tend to hear Trey Songz or the identity of the person who is featured on said songs for example..."Find Your Love" yeah I like the song no fronting on that but it sounds like it should have been on 808's & Heartbreaks and for those NOT in the know Kanye produced that track, "Fireworks" sounds like it should have been on Alicia Keys album aside from the rapping, "Karaoke" sounds Sade inspired and I heard that he wanted her for that track or something like that, and then "Cece's Interlude" sounds Trey Songz inspired. So basically what I am trying to say is I still don't know who Drake is you feel me, I know Wayne is his dude but that's becoming a gift and a curse and anyone that knows me knows I have been saying that for a minute now, and like I said at the end of my comment to my dude "it's like I'm listening to a singer that's rapping as opposed to a rapper that happens to sing"

RATING: 7 out of 10 (rating system below)


  • "Up All Night" feat. Nicki Minaj (but minus Minaj she kind of ruined this track for me) 

  • "Fancy" feat. T.I. & Swizz Beatz

  • "Light Up" feat. Jay-Z

  • "Fireworks" feat. Alicia Keys

  • "Thank Me Now"

Now notice how all the songs I highlighted have special guests except one, thus part of my only problem with this cd, as I said I still don't know who Drake is......is he a rapper that can sing or is he a singer that can rap???

NOTE: This is my personal rating system
1-3 = A Fucking Dud or Double Wood
4-6 = Lukewarm Heat or Lukewarm Garbage (depending on the side of 5 it is on)
7-8 = NICE (Loso voice) but was lacking some key elements
  9  = On The Cusp

40 Days Of Budden (#11)

#11 - Fire feat. Busta Rhymes

Well well well I mean yall had to know at some point this joint was going to pop up and here it is..."LET ME JUST MAKE THIS STATEMENT LOUD AND CLEAR JERSEYS HERE"...that line alone had me hooked when I 1st heard this song, well along with the dope beat. Not only was this song ill but the video was dope, good ol house party, A REAL ONE not those make believe video shits you normally see, and in this video you see a little of that funny side of Joe. Busta also came through and repped on this one and added that PUNCH to it, but Joe had my radio and most car radios on smash when this came out. It should have blew a little bit harder but again I blame Def Jam for the lack of a true push cause I heard this joint in the club (one of the rare times I went) and shit was poppin when this came on. But this one always hold a spot in the hearts of the New Jersey faithful because we hadn't really had anyone rep for us after Redman so Joe took the torch and ran with it. Oh and also if you listen to the flow Joe rocked on this song you will begin to understand and appreciate...most people don't give this one a lot of credit but he rocked it perfectly as he always does.

"now rap dudes suck they own pee hole, the wacker the music the bigger the ego"

"all yall songs is the same they cheesy and you wonder why people don't go and spend their change on the weekly"

Yoooooo I just remembered something I used to rock my tees like that, with one underneath matching something in the one on top and then roll one sleeve and I keep the fitted on lean like Budden, all that right there is Jersey SHIT!!!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

J. Cole - WHO DAT??? (Official Video)

If you know me you know I been really rocking with the young boy J. Cole for a minute now, and for those not in the know he is the 1st artist signed to Jay-Z's ROC Nation label and the boy is bananas!!! He has 2 classic mixtapes out there (The Come Up & The Warm Up) and he is working on his debut album but this is the video for his 1st single and may I add that this video is dope. He has continued to take a different approach to everything he does in the game and it's paying dividends, so enjoy the video and stay tuned for an in depth blog about the homie from Fayetteville, NC....J. COLE!!!!

40 Days Of Budden (#12)

#12 - She Wanna Know feat. Lil Mo
"it's bad enough that the mic gives me feedback, I ain't gotta come home and see that"

Now if some of the other joints within the top 1 through 10 been a little less potent this would have easily been in that top or upper echelon of my favorite Budden songs because this one right here was just the TRUTH to me. I remember when I was on Blackplanet.com I would steadily use lines from this song on my profile because I swear to you Joe spoke to exactly how I felt about a lot of situations as far as relationships go, it was like he was speaking for me with this one. And I will admit that upon hearing this it began to change a lot of my outlook towards relationships in general and what they were and should kind of be about. The whole mood of this song was on point, nice ride out music just like the last one in the blog series "Sacred" and again this SHOULD HAVE BEEN A SINGLE, man what the fuck were they doing up there at Def Jam, they stayed putting out garbage ass shit while Joe had this crack on that 1st album...I still SMH at that bullshit I'm telling you. These are some of the best bars...EVER!!!!!!!

"fuck I need to cheat on you for I'm already winning"

"please believe boo, won't deceive you it's not just a want...I NEED YOU"

"ma I'm all about you and me but you sloooooooowly losing me when you keep accusing me"

"nothing wrong with arguing but we having the same ones, either you gonna ride out or you gon spoil it either you gon take a shit or get up off of the toilet"

"how many times I gotta tell you boo you all that I got, how many times I gotta tell you be secure in your spot, I understand so I can knock it but I'm your man stop it, checking my two way and going through my pants pockets"

Monday, June 21, 2010

40 Days Of Budden (#13)

#13 - Sacred
This one has and always will be one of my all time favorite Joe Budden songs...it's not the typical song from him and it's another great example of how he is able to go into any realm you need musically. When I 1st heard this, again I was like "man Def Jam is dropping the ball" cause this was and would have been a great single as it touched on some great stuff as well as providing that good ol feel good music for you to ride out in the V with your miss. I used to listen to this and be like "man I know exactly what he means" and then the song in itself is just amazing, beat, content, chorus, etc no way he would have lost with this one...I know I kept this on steady repeat, shit STILL DO!!!

"is it my New York swag or my Jerz style"

"and I won't try to impress you by icing out your wrist and your neck cause when the captain is material the ship gets wrecked"

Sunday, June 20, 2010

40 Days Of Budden (#14)

#14 - Unthinkable Freestyle
I had to go with a freestyle right here, there weren't many of these on this countdown but Joe is a beast on the freestyles, but this one really stood out to me. One of the main reasons is because I love the actual song by Alicia Keys and this beat is sick and Joe just spazzed out over it. I loved how he bragged about his spot, that shit was ill to me.

"shoutout to my fans, glad I could inspire yall...got a couple haters still trying to acquire more, ain't gotta be abrupt I tell em like I tell my girl you doing a great job NOW KEEP IT UP"

"the neighbors would know my name if the crib was smaller"

"these bloggers will have you thinking that i'm abnormal, so when you read it can't say that I ain't try to warn you"

"hip hop is just a journey most number 1 seeds got clipped just like the tourney"

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ask Neo - 6/16/10

Next installment of the "Ask Neo" blog series in which I answer questions from you, THE VIEWERS...today's question was "What do I love most about being a father", and in this one not only do I answer that question I also give some special Fathers Day shoutouts at the end

Happy Fathers Day to all the good men out there, as well as to all the women out there who hold it down by themselves...I have nothing but the utmost respect for you all.

40 Days Of Budden (#15)

#15 - Thou Shall Not Fall
This is one of Budden's best songs, again it's all in the feeling he puts into it...one time someone told me that Joe was wack I told him to listen to this, yeah he's a fan now.

"i'm on a warpath go tell the opposition, naw keep it to yourself cause i'm my only competition"
"he can snort lines with his dick and won't come (cum) dope"

"i don't go out looking for drama like the feds did"

Friday, June 18, 2010

40 Days Of Budden (#16)

#16 - Focus
This was the 1st song from Budden that I had heard, I was living in Atlanta and my boy Renard was playing that Def Jam fighting game and I saw this dude in a red hoodie named "Joe Budden" and I was like who is this cat, looked it up and found this song and I was like okay 1st off homie is from New Jerz so thats a win since thats the homestate so I gotta give him a chance and then I downloaded the track and was hooked. The beat is ill and lyrically Joe ripped and delivered perfectly with the flow of the song. This was the 1st taste of the greatness that we know of as JUMPOFF!!!!

"we pump diesel, I ain't talking bout jeans and sneakers"

"jumpoff that nigga known to see me with at least 2 birds like Jack Tripper"

"I won't see ya tomorrow how we going out to eat...I thought you ain't swallow"

Thursday, June 17, 2010

40 Days Of Budden (#17)

#17 - Warfare feat. Joell Ortiz
"if that's the #1 pick then he Sam Bowie"

Okay this is a great back and forth track between Joe and Joell...actually it's the song that really put me on to Ortiz. I liked a few of his joints but hadn't heard a ton of them but after this I got on the grind but both he and Joe just totally destroyed this track. The lines were great, bar for bar...so let's just get to it

"me i'm bringing fresh air back i'm rap's heimlich"

"it's like we lions against Lassies, niggas ain't nice they lyin their flow asscheeks"

"the inserts of your album put my ganja out, yall sweeter than the lip gloss on Rhianna's mouth"

"these felons ain't predicate, sandcastle delicate...metal spit and leave em on the field like Everett"

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Manz & Dem (Klutch Tha Game Shifta)

Ever so often I am going to highlight a friend of mine that is out here in the world doing his/her thing to bring a little shine to them. Now I know I am not this big hype machine on the web and my voice is a very minimal one but you never know how you can help someone or what door you can possibly open just by sharing information or the talents of those that you know.

"face me and get ate (8) like a 1, 3, 4" - Klutch Tha Game Shifta

That line was from a friend of mine that I met in my time on Twitter so today I decided to make this blog and feature my homie, my friend, Klutch Tha Game Shifta. He is an up and coming MC from Augusta, GA and one that I back because of his passion, creativity, and desire...and as his friend I see it only right to share his talents with those that I know in my own world. He started this dope series of videos on YouTube called "Whip Rhymes" where he steps out of his car and just flows and spits some shit for a few minutes...very creative approach and it's some very good stuff in my personal opinion. Below the videos I will put up any and all ways to reach my homie Klutch, so if you just want to show some love, constructive criticism, book him for something, or just follow his moves give my dude a shout man because he is good peoples and yall know me I am not going to cosign nothing or anyone that isn't worth a damn. So enjoy the homie Klutch and his "Whip Rhymes" series....(next features for "My Manz & Dem" include posts for my manz Skeptik, my brother New Star, and a few other cats that I know that deserve that shine)...enjoy








Serious inquiries to the email > Klutchlyfe@gmail.com will get the telephone contact info

Website Gameshifta.com coming soon
Formally of Katt Williams' KattPack records but I am separating from that situation & independently rebuilding.

40 Days Of Budden (#18)

#18 - Forgive Me
"i'm aware my opinions hated, so why the fuck am I so opinionated"

Another great track off that "Escape Route" CD and believe me if you don't have it you need to really re-evaluate some shit in your life because songs like this highlight the joint and really immerse you in the whole Budden experience. This one right here is a track I throw on when I am just feeling like I need some forgiveness for some of my actiosn and thoughts because I know I can get kind of brash and hurt some people sometimes with the things I may do and say, but I have to be that way cause that's just me and that's all I know how to be..."I'll be my own filter" - Joe Budden

"in a state of confusion, what i intended is never the conclusion, amusing normally the one they accusing, maybe that explains my seclusion"

I left it with that line because that's exactly how I feel at times because I may have good intentions when I do or say stuff but it's never taken that way and always turned into something negative...again this is why I not only relate to this song but to Joe Budden so well

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why I Am Frowning Today

Why I Am Frowning Today by Dwight James Allen (Neo)

I frown today cause my smile needed a break
I frown today cause the pain I couldn't take
I frown today cause life got in the way
I frown today cause its what my face wanted to say
I frown today cause it's the easy thing to do
I frown today cause well I want to
I frown today cause things didn't go as planned
I frown today cause my joy just couldn't withstand
I frown today cause sometimes you have to sink low
I frown today cause I needed a personal day to grow
I frown today cause my hair is not looking right
I frown today cause I got some disturbing news last night
I frown today cause today that is what is needed
I frown today cause today I just feel defeated
I frown today cause I thought about all that are gone
I frown today cause one day I too have to go home
I frown today cause the one I love isn't near
I frown today cause I recognized my deepest fear
I frown today cause I share the pain of a close friend
I frown today cause his broken heart I cannot mend
I frown today cause life at times makes no sense
I frown today cause of all the time I have yet to spend
I frown today cause I just need to sometimes get it out
I frown today cause today I just needed to pout
I frown today cause darkness fills this letter
I frown today cause I know as long as I wake up
tomorrow will be a chance to make today better

40 Days Of Budden (#19)

#19 - Who Killed Hip-Hop (Parts 1-2)

This one right here....this one right here nigga (Katt Williams voice), man Joe bodied everything with this one, TRUST ME!!!!!! PLEASE LISTEN!!!!!

(Part 3) Had to post it seperately because YouTube only allows 10 min joints 

"seen a video call Lookin Ass Nigga, grabbed the remote tired of looking at niggas"

"we the only business where you can excel with no diploma"

"the more niggas said they didn't write down lyrics the more it started to sound like they didnt"

"maybe we at a cross, Canibus had one of the dopest diss records but some still say he lost"

Monday, June 14, 2010

40 Days Of Budden (#20)

#20 - Number 1
Well thanks for riding along for the first 20 in the countdown folks as we have now reached the half way point and time to kick it up a notch. I have had so much fun doing these and taking my fellow Joe Budden fans (as well as new ones) along for the ride. This was one of the very 1st songs I heard from him due to the fact that it was the 1st song after the intro on his album, and this one always gives me that nostalgic feeling due to the lyrical contetnt. Took me back to when I was a kid and remembered all those great times of my life...this song was a great look, see how many lines you can relate to...lol

"I remember breakdancing, carboard and blackflips...the royal blue and the orange Patricks"

"i remember way back when every clan was stylin Flava Flav clocks and X-Clan medallions, in class see a girl you glance at her pass her a note do you like me circle the answer"

"the 8-Ball jackets and Columbia rain suits, we ain't pay mind to the length of our chain, Transformers was a dance Decepticons was a gang"

"back to Ron G. tapes, back to Black Sheep"

"i'm talking old Bobby Brown before he thugged Whitney, I used to bring all my toys in the tub with me...a snotty nose kid eating boogers it was Ultimate Warrior and Jimmy Fly Snuka"

And then he just killed it at the end because I remember that drink he was talking about at the very end, he I think it was called Tropical Fantasy and I remember around the way everyone was like "yo the KKK owns that company and they are trying to poison us", but damn all that them shits was like $0.50 cent a bottle and it was like a 20 oz jumpoff...LMAO

Sunday, June 13, 2010

40 Days Of Budden (#21)

#21 - Dear Diary
"I got another side I never showed to you, the side where everybody is disposable, see relationships are never a threat cause I'll erase the history and act like we never met"

Man man man this one right here and that line.................i know I typically have a description for these joint but this one you just gotta listen yourself

"some people confide in the person that they sleep with, I've learned that there's no such thing as a secret"

"A couple wrong turns will turn a friend to an enemy"

and this one right here, this last part I am going to include is for all my dudes out there going through that nonsense with this silly ass baby mothers cause Joe spit some real on this:

"Dear Diary, how could she deny me how she go to bed without it fucking with her psyche? Is she wrong using him so I can come back or am I wrong for wishing I could get my cum back? Looking for sun, all I see is the hail how I'm gon' trust all I see is betrayal it's like they keep trying more and more to subdue me and only you understand, signed by yours truly"

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ask Neo - 6/12/10

Next installment of the "Ask Neo" blog series in which I answer questions from you, THE VIEWERS...today's question was "What Is Your All Time Favorite Hip Hop Song"

Big Daddy Kane - "Ain't No Half Steppin"

soon as Kane went "AAAAAAH Yeah i'm with this, it's 88 time to set it straight" I just knew it was some greatness about to happen, I still remember trying to spell his name out the way he did...CLASSIC

1A) DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince - "Brand New Funk"

I still go ape shit whenever I hear that flow from Will beginning at the 2:13 mark...THAT SHIT GIVES ME GOOSEBUMPS cuz i just love hip hop!

1B) Tha Alkaholiks - "Let It Out"

this was my shit right here, and here is where the sample came from for those NOT in the know

1C) Joe Budden - "10 Minutes"

"sometimes the best medicine is just to cry yall".....this one is self explanatory if you know the song, or ME....DUECES