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Saturday, June 12, 2010

40 Days Of Budden (#22)

#22 - We Outta Here
Okay I know some of yall may ask why this one was ranked so low, well it was and is actually a little higher as far as one of my favs but just like the joint with Meedah it's not just Joe by himself and that's what this list is supposed to represent. Joe went in on this joint with the rest of the homies from Slaughterhouse (Royce, Crooked, & Joell) but Joe had the stand out verse and if you have heard this you will know why I am saying this. His delivery from the beginning to the ending of his verse was TOP NOTCH and to be quite honest it is probably one of his best verses EVER!!!! The rest of the team was on point as well but I am sure ever they can admit that Joe totally murked this joint...below I will also include the video when they 1st played it in the studio (another clip from JBTV that really gives a different appreciation of the song) and I think we all collectively had the same reaction when we 1st heard it...I still remember being on Twitter and me and the rest of the Internet Soldiers were going bananas over his flow over this track...enjoy

"cordially they forcing me to act accordingly, when according to me my thoughts disorderly JUST LIKE THEY OUGHT TO BE" (this line was sick!!!)


  1. This was one of my favorite joints off Escape Route..

    Cordially they forcin me to act accordingly
    When according to me my thoughts disorderly just like they outta be
    It's more to me in accord to me
    Just mad at the smoke and the mirrors, image, perceptions and the forgery
    Everything is a fraud to me

  2. Cuzzo this is how I know we are related cause it is one of mine as well, Im serious man Joe totally destroyed this track
